BIDEN: Declare a Climate Emergency


Declare a Climate Emergency that:

  • Creates Green Union Jobs: Unleash the full power of the presidency to expand clean energy production and boost green, good-paying jobs that benefit the working class and people of color facing the worst of the climate crisis
  • Ends The Fossil Fuel Era: Halt new fossil fuel development, prosecute fossil fuel companies and other polluters for their role in creating the climate crisis and misleading the public, and ban crude oil and gas exports
  • Prepares for Climate Disasters: Revamp disaster response policies and invest resources to make all of our homes, workplaces, and schools resilient to disasters. Overhaul workplace safety laws to protect workers from disasters like extreme heat, upgrade FEMA to reduce racial and economic disparities in assistance, and build new affordable housing when disaster strikes

Can you add your name to call on President Biden to declare a climate emergency now?


Congress grants the president various national defense powers that can be deployed during times of genuine emergency.

Since the National Emergencies Act was enacted in 1976, every president has declared at least one national emergency during their term of office. By declaring a national climate emergency, Biden can unlock these emergency executive powers to aggressively combat the crisis.

Some of these powers include:

- Halting crude oil exports,
- Use the full power of the DPA (Defense Production Act) to create green jobs that expedite the transition to renewable energy,
- Stopping Oil and Gas Drilling and private investment in Fossil Fuels,
- Growing Domestic Manufacturing for Clean Energy and Transportation to Speed the Nationwide Transition Off Fossil Fuels,
- Update OSHA rules to protect delivery drivers, restaurant workers, and farmworkers who are enduring increasingly deadly heat each summer,
- Use the Public Health Services Act to provide free healthcare to people affected by climate disasters and ensure equitable access to care post-disaster, and to ban eviction and utility shutoffs in the aftermath of climate disasters.

The climate crisis is here and our leaders need to start acting like it. We need President Biden to declare a climate emergency right now.